Governor Andy Beshear and me.
Welcome to my blog. This is where we cut through the noise, take a hard look at what’s happening in government, and talk about solutions that make sense for Kentucky. It’s also a place to share stories of resilience and creativity from across the Commonwealth—because while Frankfort might be a mess, Kentuckians are anything but.
As my grandmother used to say, “Common sense ain’t so common.” She wasn’t wrong, and you don’t need to look further than the General Assembly for proof. Whether it’s creating programs without funding them or finding new ways to limit Kentuckians’ rights instead of expanding them, there’s no shortage of head-scratching decisions coming out of Frankfort.
Take 2024, for example. Our legislature decided to criminalize homelessness—because obviously, the best way to help people without a home is to fine or arrest them. Then they doubled down by putting a measure on the ballot to redirect public school funding into unaccountable private institutions through vouchers. Schools are already struggling, but sure, let’s make that problem worse. These aren’t just bad policies; they’re outright mean.
I started this blog after running for state representative in 2024. My opponent—a longtime incumbent—partnered with our judge executive and a political operative to buy out the county’s only local newspaper. Overnight, our community lost its main source of unbiased reporting. This blog is my way of stepping into that gap: to share honest, straightforward information and call out nonsense when I see it.
Here, I’ll dig into state and local policies, break down what’s actually happening, and offer some common sense alternatives. I’ll also highlight the good things happening across Kentucky—because while the legislature might be short on compassion and practicality, the people of this state certainly aren’t.
Thanks for stopping by. Let’s keep things simple, call it like it is, and figure out how to fix what’s broken. It’s not rocket science—it’s common sense.